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Alessandro Speziani Frau


On a Paint95 screen, someone draws a bathroom sign, a metaphor that alludes to the strictly binary sexual identification of society at the time. The error banner that appears upon completing the drawing suggests that the structures we have built, whether social or technological, may eventually become inadequate to represent the complexity of a reality that is constantly changing and evolving. 
At the same time the viewer is faced with a dilemma: choosing whether or not to update the system is not merely a matter of supporting or opposing a reality where identities are viewed in a more fluid and varied way, but rather an invitation to question one's ability to understand and engage with a changing world, in order to find a balance where all can identify and coexist, regardless of differing ideologies.
In this composition, the superfluous, represented by the cookies and the flashy background, immediately grabs everyone's attention, while the essential, the fortune slip, si paradoxically visible only to a blind person. 
Similarly, in everyday life, appearance becomes the primary criterion by which most people judge others, while the essence of each individual remains hidden, accessible only to a minority off observers capable of seeing beyond the surface, viewing the world from a different perspective.
This painting inspired my series "Foggy Memories", which explores the idea of revealing what is hidden behind a fogged surface, thus uncovering a concealed truth. 
In the artwork, the gesture of removing the condensation by drawing a smile with a finger not only unveils the hidden image, but also exposes the falsehood beneath that very appearance.
It invites the viewer to reflect on how often what we see does not correspond to the reality that lies behind the surface.

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